大卫·斯宾塞加盟政策交流的犯罪与司法在20必威betway西蒙体育22年4月。大卫以前警察局的警察服务,于2003年加入。后在一系列的穿制服的警察和侦探的角色,他在2010年被派往沃尔瑟姆福雷斯特侦探检查员负责打击抢劫和入室盗窃。经过多年的抢劫和入室盗窃率增加沃尔瑟姆福雷斯特,在大卫的领导下,唯一的伦敦自治市提供连续3年的减少抢劫和入室盗窃。在此期间他还导致调查的反应后,2011年的骚乱。任命一个侦缉总督察的角色在2013年大卫负责解决团伙犯罪、药物供应和街头暴力犯罪。作为一个有经验的侦探,他经常导致立即反应最严重的罪行和关键事件。这包括高级侦探待命的北伦敦主要初始调查谋杀,绑架,高风险失踪人口,纵火、武装抢劫、活跃的对生命的威胁。在2013年第一次提出警方现在的想法同时进行操作的角色,大卫的驱动力这获得诸多国家组织的创建。2016年,他领导了消磨警察局的警察现在服务成为一个独立的社会企业。 During his tenure Police Now established itself as one of the UK’s Top 100 graduate recruiters and consistently delivered the most diverse cohort of officers joining the police service. Police Now’s two leadership programmes have, since 2015, brought nearly 2,500 highly qualified graduates into policing over half of whom would not otherwise have applied for a policing career. His formal qualifications include an under-graduate business degree, a Masters degree in US politics, and a research Masters degree in British politics. He has also undertaken executive education programmes at London Business School and the University of Oxford Business School.